by Edward Norton | Mar 26, 2018 | Business, U.S. Hispanic
Hispanic-owned small businesses remain one of the fastest-growing segments of the small business economy, creating jobs and growing revenue. Read on for highlights from the 2018 Bank of America Hispanic Business Owner Spotlight, a survey of 394 small business owners...
by Edward Norton | Mar 20, 2018 | U.S. Hispanic
The Hispanic community continues to drive homeownership growth in the U.S., according to the latest State of Hispanic Homeownership report released by the Hispanic Wealth Project and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals. The Hispanic...
by Edward Norton | Mar 12, 2018 | Research, Uncategorized
Latino Startups An annual Stanford study — known as the State of Latino Entrepreneurship — arrived this year with its usual mix of good news and bad news for Latino entrepreneurs and their supporters. The good news: the growth rate of Latino businesses in the US...
by Edward Norton | Jan 25, 2018 | English, Marketing
If you manage an University that offers outstanding facilities, world class teaching, or a vibrant community, showcase your establishment and capture the essence of what it is like to visit in person, well, immersive technologies will fit in this challenge. One of the...
by Edward Norton | Jan 23, 2018 | Lifestyle, U.S. Hispanic
According to Roberto Orci “Hispanics of every segment are growing at a faster rate than the general market… you would rightly conclude that Hispanics are a big part of the mobile market today and tomorrow.’’ Mobile devices are ubiquitous, particularly with...